Thursday, June 4, 2009

A little of my photography...

So lets give this bloging thing a whirl...
(ya this is a first for me. -Mike)

Here are a few of my pics from my trip to Yellowstone.


E Terry said...

Love these pictures - they are so amazing!!! Good job, Mike!

Amy Piller said...

Those are awesome so when are you giving me pohotography classes, lol

rickandcami said...

So beautiful and awesome Mike! Good job! You get better every day I swear!

Amy Piller said...

So what about JUly 13th for the get together, we are thinking a pool party at our house?

Inspired said...

Totally let me know when you come up!!! We have to do something now that we actually can!!!

Amy Piller said...

I hate to do this again but that date didn't work for people so we are going to do August 1st. I will send invites but I need your address. oh and do you have nates and Jamie's?

Amy Piller said...

Yes, I think we will be there on July 12th. I hadn't heard about it but we don't have anything else so...:)

Amy Piller said...

I put the wrong phone number on the pool party invite. I swear I am having the heardest time with this. my right number is 712-4724

Kelley Rae said...

These pictures are amazing - I had no idea you were so talented. Can I sign up for lessons with Amy?