Sunday, March 7, 2010

Says it better than I could

I was blog jumping today and I found this video. This expresses what I am feeling with my life right now. It put me in tears, finally allowing me to cry for the first time in a while. I am sorry if it does the same for you. It was just so nice to finally find something that put into words what I have not been able to say.


Jamie Freckleton said...

Okay so here I am sitting in a computer lab all by myself bawling, thanks... just kidding, but that was a tender video, I am glad you posted it.

rickandcami said...

Wow. I love and admire you guys! I honestly can't say more.

J & E Hoffmann said...

I bawlled my eyes out!!!

marci said...

Wow, that was powerful. Crying now, I was once that person. I will never complain about my kids again!

Kelley Rae said...

So touching - what a beautiful and moving video. *hugs*